Sunday, November 16, 2008

Almost done!

Hello friends and family! We just visited the house again yesterday, and it's true....they're almost done! We updated the website with pictures just in case you want to see. :) Everything looks to be finished on time, and we've got almost everything we own in boxes, ready to move.

A few things to continue praying about:
  • Safety for moving weekend
  • Peace as we transition to a new neighborhood, and from renters to home owners
  • Sublet for our apartment (Dec-Jan)
We have felt so blessed to have such a great support system around us through the past months and weeks. We have seen God's faithfulness through your love, encouragement, and support. His timing was definitely better than ours too, and it's been exciting to see how He has been in all of the details. We'll try to update the website once more when the house is finished, before the move.

Thanks again for everything!