Well, I've been saving up a few precious quotes from my students, and I thought it was time to share. Who couldn't use a laugh on a COLD, SNOWY APRIL DAY?!?!?
I was testing one of my students on his Math. This is a timed test, so sometimes they feel a little pressure and have a hard time getting their numbers out. This little guy was having a little trouble with the test, and all of the sudden he stopped and shouted "Come on brain! THINK!"
I also have a little guy who's pants....well.....they never seem to be able to stay up (refer back to "plumber's crack" in earlier kid stories). We were having our Morning Meeting and he blurts (picture a sweet Spanish accent with a little lisp), "Mrs. Hardie! I need a seatbelt! My pants keep falling down!" We didn't have a "seatbelt" to offer him, so he spent the rest of the day with First Aid Gauze as his belt! Maybe this will become a new fashion statement in my room. Oh dear....
There are many students in my class that speak dual languages because I am the ELL cluster. Apparently, they pick up more than I realize because as one of my Spanish speakers was heading out the door at the end of the day, his farewell was "Bonjour Madmoiselle!". Seriously? :)
About a week ago, we had been reading stories about Earth Day, Arbor Day, recycling, etc... Each day during Reading, the kids have time to write their responses to various questions that are posed. Because they'd been learning all about how to help the Earth, the question for that day was tying together all that they'd read from the stories to come up with an idea for how THEY would help the Earth. Apparently, one student had been reading some different stories on her own, because her response was.... "I would not shoot the animals. Then they will die and become extinct." No worries, she definitely had a picture to match, shotgun and all!
As always, there are many more stories and moments throughout the day where I just have to laugh at these kiddos. However, some of them are not appropriate for posting, and others, well, you just have to be there. :) Hope this gave you a good laugh, and here's hoping that Spring is just around the corner!