Sunday, May 29, 2011

6 months

We can't believe that our little baby is already 6 months old! It truly does happen as fast as people say it does. She is rolling all over the place, talking up a storm, recognizing people (and aware when she doesn't know people), grabbing everything (as I type this she's trying to put my shoe in her mouth--gross), eating new foods, and just smiling as much as ever! We love her so much! She also had her first "accident" this week. She fell off of a chair (actually, the red one that is in the picture below) and broke her fall with her head. Nice. She has a goose-egg, and a skinned knee, but otherwise is no worse for the wear. :) Praise the Lord! It is one of those moments where you praise God for his protection each day, even in the small things.

We can't wait to see what she learns to do in this next month, and how much she grows. We are looking forward to summer and more time spent with family and friends.

We are also very excited because Mel only has 2 weeks left of school, and then she will be taking the next year off of teaching to stay home with Teigan. She is adding 11 new piano students to her evenings, which we are very thankful for. It will be an adventure, and a leap of faith as far as finances go, but we are thankful for the chance for her to stay home with Teigan for at least the next year. We have been so blessed to have family and friends watching over her while Mel has been at work these past 3 months as well....if that's you....THANK YOU!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Musings...

Well, I've always said that I learn a lot from the kiddos in my class, and this year is no different. We had been working very hard on our sweet Mother's Day projects this past week. Part of this project was for each kiddo to fill out a questionaire called "How Well Do I Know My Mom". Below I included a few of the questions and answers (in the kids' spelling, of course).
What is your mom's favorite outfit? ~Wading jrase (wedding dress) ~Comfy Pants
What do you wish she would wear more? ~White jres (dress) and a krwn ~Her blue shirt because it's fancy ~Shirts (ha!!!)
What is her favorite kind of music? ~Slow mochen, when she dances with my dad (I asked her to tell more more about this and she said that her parents had just put a bunch of "slow motion" songs on the iPod and the kids caught them dancing in the kitchen the other day--how sweet!)
What is your mom's biggest pet peeve? ~When I don't pick up my messes ~When Daddy forgets to take our the garbage ~High heels :)
What is her favorite TV show? ~Jary Spinger (Jerry Springer...WOW...) ~The Kissing Show (when I asked him to tell me more he said" it's the show where they kiss a lot and then at the end I think they get married"..I'm guess The Bachelor)
What does she like to do in her free time? ~Get a misogh (massage) ~Spend time with me ~Be alon ~Be lazy and wach TV ~Work on her school stuff
What is your mom's wish? ~To have a good family ~To be free (when I asked what this meant he said "on vacation without us kids") ~To not have so much work ~To have "a thousand bucks" ~To have more money ~To be skinny ~To be prettier ~To have a bigger house with a movie theater
So many of the responses were adorable and hilarious, but as we got toward the end about "mom's wish" I started thinking about just how much these little ones are picking up on. I'm sure none of their moms walk around intentionally saying "I wish I was skinnier, prettier, had more money, had a bigger house" etc... but kids catch onto those things so quickly. As I have entered into this crazy journey of parenthood, this made me think about what messages I am already sending to my little one. Does she sense that I love her Daddy? That I love her? That we have all we need and more? Or is she sensing that I want more clothes....wish I looked differently....or even that I worry too much instead of trusting the Lord. I guess time will tell (I'm already a little nervous for her Mother's Day card from 1st grade--ha!) I am so grateful for the example my Mom has set for me, and I'm just praying that I am already setting a good example for my little one....and that she will have grace and forgiveness on the days when I fall short. :)