~She is talking a TON! She loves talking to Kyle the most, and she's also very talkative in the morning. Kyle is SURE she gets this from me--hehe
~Rattles and toys have started being GRABBED, although she does not enjoy when she hits herself in the face. ;)
~We have enjoyed reading lots of books together. Her favorites lately are the peek-a-boo books with their bright colors and fun words.
~She loves being diaperless and kicking her legs on the changing table. I'm pretty sure she could hang out almost all day that way! This has, of course, led to a few messes.
~Sleeping through the night--hooray!!! This is not always super consistent, but we'll take the sleep when we can get it!
~She is trying to figure out how to suck her thumb, but she still has a little ways to go. So far she just gets one, or both fists up to her mouth and licks them like a lollipop. She has only gotten just her thumb in her mouth once so far.
We are falling more in love with her every day! We're excited to see what the next month holds...