Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Day in the Life...

Well as the date for returning to work nears, I've been trying to soak in as many memories as I can with my sweet baby girl. Hopefully these will get me through the 3 1/2 months of the rest of the school year! Here are a few favorites:

~eating lunch with her~she sits in her bouncy seat on the island, and I can sit next to her on the stool and we have little lunch dates :)

~naptimes~this is a favorite for obvious reasons, but I just get a kick out of her when she sleeps! Her little grunts, the way her arms flail around when she gets out of her swaddling, how peaceful she looks,'s so sweet! Today she even fell asleep laying next to me in her boppy holding my finger--my heart was so full!!!

~playtime~she loves things that make noise, and loves to smile! I especially love watching her play with her Daddy--it is so sweet the way she smiles at him!

~reading books~whether it's "reading" her favorite crinkly book, or reading Bible stories before bedtime, it is so fun to watch her look at books and listen to the way our voices sound when we read. I can already tell she's going to love reading!!! ;)

There are so many more moments that I enjoy throughout the day (and of course moments I don't enjoy too!) and I'm going to soak up every last minute with her before I head back to school.

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