Saturday, June 25, 2011

7 months

Sitting up for her pictures--what a big girl!

We're already more than half done with Miss T's first! She is SO MUCH FUN! I am realizing how much I love this stage, and just how fast it will go. Here are a few things she has done in the past month...
~sitting independently

~rocking (almost crawling--yikes!)

~new sounds "dada, gaga, etc..."

~trying more new foods and liking them ALL :) (peaches and pears are the most recent)

~fake coughing (hilarious)

~"hamming" for the camera....pretty sure she's not going to be a shy one ;)

~getting into everything! We have moved all of our tables and shelves downstairs--bring on the baby gates!

~chewing on crushed ice--no teeth yet, but maybe coming?!?

~into "cat napping".....I'm trying to nip this in the bud with a new nap routine/schedule...prayers appreciated--ha!

~She also took in her first 2 Twin's games, even surviving one in the rain by sleeping under my poncho :)

There is so much more, but we are just loving her more each day. She is busy, energetic, full of joy, and we are so thankful to God for each day we get to spend with His precious blessing to us.

trying to crawl to the close!

Enjoying the Twin's Game on Father's Day in the RBC Suite

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tribute to Dads

Well, motherhood is an interesting thing. Like feeling SO frustrated and SO in love with this little person all at the same time. Or the protective instinct that arises in different situations. Or the things I say and do, or FORGET to do now that she is vying for all of my attention and time. All of the laundry, hugs and kisses, boundary setting, picking up, rocking, etc... is an endless but TOTALLY GRATIFYING job. However, today I want to write about Dads....actually, a few specific Dads.

First, my hubby! He is such an incredible Dad! It blesses me to watch him love our daughter. To pray for her and with her, to take care of her and play with her in different ways that I do (which is SO good for her), to protect her, and teach her. I am so thankful for the ways that he has been an "involved Daddy" from day 1. Changing diapers, washing bottles, up for middle of the night feedings, doing her luandry, staying home with her so I can get out,...the list could go on and on. Kyle, I am so thankful that you are T's Daddy. Next, my Father-in-law, Dave. He has welcomed me into the family from the very beginning! He is so fun to watch as a Grandpa ;) He is generous with his time, gifts, and talents not just to Kyle and I, but to ANYONE! He is so willing to serve. I am thankful for the relationship he has with Kyle, and had when Kyle was growing up to mold and shape him into the husband and father that he is. I'm so blessed to Dave as father-in law.Finally, my Dad. How can I even put into words the way I feel about my Dad? He has seen me through the best and worst of times. He is such a godly influence on my life. Growing up, I knew I could go to him for anything, and still can. He is so wise, loving, and giving. He was "Dr. Dad", Mr. Fixit, Driver's Ed. helper, Youth Sponser at Youth Group, and always there to support me in sports, music, or whatever I was undertaking. I can tear up just thinking about how much I love him and am thankful for him in my life. I know that this life is so short, and things can change so fast, so I am thankful for each moment that I get to spend with my Dad.Whether you have your Dad with you or not, whether your Dad is a great dad or not-so-much, I pray that you have a "Dad" in your life that you can celebrate this weekend.