We're already more than half done with Miss T's first year....wow! She is SO MUCH FUN! I am realizing how much I love this stage, and just how fast it will go. Here are a few things she has done in the past month...
~sitting independently
~sitting independently
~rocking (almost crawling--yikes!)
~new sounds "dada, gaga, etc..."
~trying more new foods and liking them ALL :) (peaches and pears are the most recent)
~fake coughing (hilarious)
~"hamming" for the camera....pretty sure she's not going to be a shy one ;)
~getting into everything! We have moved all of our tables and shelves downstairs--bring on the baby gates!
~chewing on crushed ice--no teeth yet, but maybe coming?!?
~into "cat napping".....I'm trying to nip this in the bud with a new nap routine/schedule...prayers appreciated--ha!
~She also took in her first 2 Twin's games, even surviving one in the rain by sleeping under my poncho :)
There is so much more, but we are just loving her more each day. She is busy, energetic, full of joy, and we are so thankful to God for each day we get to spend with His precious blessing to us.
Enjoying the Twin's Game on Father's Day in the RBC Suite
1 comment:
She is so beautiful and fun! Love her (and you guys of course!).
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