Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Moving Day...

It's here! We just heard from our Realtors that we will get to close on our house the day before Thanksgiving. What a big blessing to be thankful for! We'll be moving out of our apartment and into our home that weekend. Mel doesn't have to work on Friday (perk of teaching!) so she'll be moving small items, food, breakables, etc.... that day. Then "the big moving day" will be on Saturday. Thanks again for all of your prayers as we finish up this process. We have felt tremendous peace through all of the decision making, and overwhelming support and excitement from you all! We're going to take a "drive-by" look at the house in the next few days, so we'll update the photosite with new pictures soon.

Thanks again for everything, and we can't wait to have you all over soon!

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