Thursday, October 16, 2008


I've now had the kiddos in my class for 2 months and am beginning to see the humor in the little things they say. I thought some of you (especially fellow teachers!) may enjoy some of these little comments, with the translation for what the kiddos are actually TRYING to say! :)

Direct quotes from kiddos . . . . . . . . . . . . Translations from Mel
"Oh guacamole!!" ........ Oh no!

"Hodie! Hodie!"(sounds like "hottie") ......Mrs. Hardie (they can't ever say the "r"), I need help!

"I don't have a girlfriend D*%&#*%#!!!!"...... Please stop saying I like that girl.

"Bachum" (while pointing to specific body part) ...... Can I go to the bathroom please?

"Hodie, what words octopus?" ........ Mrs. Hardie, what words am I supposed to put?
(it took me a while to figure this one out!)

These are just a few favorties from this week......I'm sure there will be more to come! :)

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