Saturday, September 13, 2008

You can take the kids out of the country...

...but you can't take the country out of the kids! :) Kyle and I had our first adventure of freezing corn this weekend, just like we used to on the farm. This felt a little funny considering we were husking corn on the deck of our 3rd floor apartment, overlooking County Road D--HA! What a process this is! The best part was that I had NO VOICE--I got a cold and spent too much time "talking sternly" to my students this past week, so by Friday night I couldn't say a word. Throughout the night when I needed to get Kyle's attention to help me out by stirring corn, bagging, etc...I resorted to stomping my feet on the floor (sorry Ann!), clapping by his ears, and waving my arms in the air! What a sight! By the end of the night we were covered in corn (as was our kitchen), laughing hysterically at my communication attempts, and SO tired! Overall, it was a great night and we know that in the dead of winter, when we pull a bag of YUMMY sweet corn out of the freezer, it will have all been worth it.

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